Introduction ; "the way to get started, is to quit talking and start doing "_Walt Disney 
Our world today is full of so many unresolved challenges, ranges from politics to leadership, terrorism to corruption, to economic problem, logistics to transportation and many epidemics, that we all complain about.
Thus, that make the world to full of so many complainers, but we have little people that are making moves and attempts to solve those problems.

 This world, with over 7 Billions worth population of people. But uniquely and wonderfully made individuals, the evidence of which science has proven that these over 7 billions individuals are with different thumb print, meaning no two individuals are with the same thumb print as plenteous as we are.

And that reveals to us the manifolds wisdom of the creator and show us that we represent his different plans and purposes.

Now my friend! You see the reason why you must celebrate your uniqueness from that your friend, that colleague at work and that your neighbour that you so much covet to have being like. Come on friend! There's no need for that, just be your own self and only upgrade your own version on being.

Related topic:

This life, is like a screen script in which we all have a role to play.
There's a reason why the creator sent you here, there's a game plan he has in place and you! & only you alone can play such role.

The question now is, will you step into your own role and make the theatre of life more meaningful?
We have many, who are not playing their own role but just there, aiming at other people's role, then we have millions of others, who are not showing forth at the rehearsal of life at all, they're just there like a spectator.
And that's the reason for the so much vacuum in the world system, the reason for the vices and unruly acts, unanswered questions, epidemics and diseases without drugs to curb them, because somebody, somewhere has refused to contribute his or her own quota to the betterment of our world. Mind you, the whole body can only grow by what every joints supply!

Dear friend, are you supplying?
What's your contribution to the betterment of our world?
Or are you just there like an onlooker?
A parasite that does no body any good?

Come on! My friend, you were configured with so many abilities, you were wired with so much answers to the questions of this world. There's a reason why the creator has sent you here at this time, at this century.

Take for instance, can you just imagine the world without airplanes, cars, ships, trains, no bicycle, no tricycle.
I mean, if Wright Brothers, Henry Ford and so many others had held back just like YOU, it would have still remain a problem moving from one part of the world to the other. 
Assuming clothes were not invented, shoes were not made, no radio, TV or telephone.
Then, we would have still be moving about naked, walk around bear footed and still be gathering at the market Square to hear and disseminate Important messages.
 The question is ; what are you supplying from your own end?
Take for another instance, if Michael Faraday had not discovered electricity and Thomas Edison held back at electric bulb, Electric bulb, which has keep our world lighting up ever since then;

Then, we wouldn't have had mechanised industry and not to talk of computer which has turned our world into a global village and saddle us with the needful information at just a click. Dear friend, What are you contributing to the betterment of our world?

No small thanks to the researchers of drugs & medicines including the explorers of surgery 
Who has helped us reduced to the barest minimum high mortality rates, which was in the years past high as a result of epidemics and diseases without drugs to curb them but now has been reduced due to the improvements in the health sector.

Assuming educationists had not packaged information into schooling and some people are there to pass such information to others, then communication gap wouldn't have been filled up and we would have still remain barbarian to each others.
My friend, What are you doing to make our world better?

If clipper was not invented and there is someone there to render barbing services, then we would not have been different from monkeys because we would have got filled up with hairs all over our faces.

Big thanks to the cosmetologists  and the great stylists, who had invented beautiful creams & perfumes that make our skins wonderful, most especially our female folks, who make them look beautiful & gorgeous.
Ladies and gentlemen, what are you doing to solve our world's problems?

Time will not permit me to talk about the great improvements that scientists and technologists has brought into our world. An example of which is the possibility of you reading this article.

The great structures and buildings we are seeing today, which are products of Architects.
The beautiful nurses, who are helping out with health challenges. 
Farmers, who are solving hunger problem.
Security personnel, that are ensuring the world's peace and so many others, who are playing their own roles to make the theatre of life more meaningful.
Dear friend, What are supplying from your own end?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to Act, it's time to perform.
There's a reason why the creator sent you here. There's an answer to the world problem that depends on you, so don't short change our world because all Eyes are on you .

You're the hope of this world.
You're the reason for yet to be resolved challenge the world is experiencing today because you have refused to contribute your own quota to make the world a more better place that we are all liking.

As a politician, it's time to make that law for the betterment of the society.
As an intending author, won't you write that book NOW to inspire someone to greatness.?
It's time to make that research that could further improve the health sector and others.
Sing that song now. It's time to start that business, you could reduce the teeming youths off the unemployment list.

Dear friend, the whole creation are waiting, as if with an out stretch neck for the manifestation of the sons of God.

Mind you, you are the son & daughter of God.
You're the hope of our world, so it's time to manifest and change the cause of our world for better by contribute your own quota.
Dear friend, ALL EYES ON YOU now.

                        JOEL KAYODE
       (Personal Development Strategist )

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