
Showing posts from January, 2020

PRIORITY VS POSTERIORITY... gaining mastery over time for more productivities!

  learn never to do a lower value task, when you have a higher value task before you ~ BRIAN TRACY.  T ime is of the essence in our everyday day life, in actual fact it is the composition of our entire life.  Time is indispensable for accomplishments of any sort. The tickings of time wait for no one thus make it irretrievable either you invest it or wasted it, you can't get it back.  Time is also perishable, you can't save it. It is limited in nature, twenty four hours to be precise, you can't extend it.  Time is evenly allotted to both the failures & the successful.  It all depends on the activities that filled up each person's day, how aligned they're with your major goals, that made them tagged as a failure or a success. like us on Facebook : D ue to limited feature of time, brought about the importance of this discussion ; Priority VS  Posteriority which is all about time management. In the real sense