SELFLESS LOVE
Introductory quote : "No greater love than this, that a man should die for his friends "_the scripture 
Fred and Ferdinand were identical twins. While Fred was a cool, calm and gentle home guy, Ferdinand was the opposite, he was agitative, rough and love night life, partying from one night club to the other. 

According to his manner, he (Ferdinand) left for a club this particular night, and after much liquors, an argument ensued between him & one of his friends. 
 In the course of fighting ,Ferdinand hit his friend with a bottle on his head and that one slumped and died instantly. 

When the reality of his offense dawn on him, he immediately took to his heels. The cops in charge of the case traced him down to his house and unknowingly arrested his twin brother, Fred, challenging him of a murder case, but Fred fully aware that it was his brother Ferdinand, that would have committed such offense but yet refused to dispute the fact nor reveal his own true identity. 

Fred was charged to court and the judge sentence him to death. A night prior to his execution day, Fred wrote a letter to Ferdinand saying " I am taking your place, dying for your offense that I knew nothing about, yet am dying. Therefore, I would like you to preserve my memory by living a more reasonable life I was known for, Bye". 

When that letter got to Ferdinand, he cried bitterly and choose to preserve the memory of his brother, by living a more reasonable and responsible life. 

This is the typical picture of what Christ did for You, he was the substitute for your Sins, thus, It's time to live his own kind of life, It's a life of peace ,joy and glory. It was a story of Selfless Love. 


/ Personal Development STRATEGIST /

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