RUN YOUR OWN RACE (business/personal development Series)

 Introductory Quote : "Stay focused, go after your dreams & keep moving towards your goals "_LL cool J

The journey of life can be liken to a race as run by sprinters in an Olympic or other competitions, where each runners are expected to stick to his or her own track, without dabble into another sprinter's track, whereas if such thing happens, such athlete is penalized or disqualified. 
Moreover, It's not an attribute of any good sprinter to be looking sideways just to peep others competing with him or her, this could lead to distraction & cost him the ultimate prize, it is expected of him or her to have his or her focus on the last lap, which is breasting the tape. 
Dear friend, our journey of life is the same, each and everyone of us is running against the time, as we are getting older by the day, just that the race we are running isn't Olympic race, but am talking about your course of life, the path of life as orchestrated to each person by God, am talking about your purpose for being, the essence of life for each and everyone of us, that's the race you're running. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, each and everyone of us were fabricated by the creator for a specific purpose, we were configured and wired to fulfill a unique function in this God set up enterprise called Life. For instance, a laundry machine was made to clean up clothes, while pressing iron was made to straighten & neaten clothes, though they both have a common factor, which is the clothes, but a laundry machine shall never straighten clothes, neither shall pressing iron wash clothes, they're meant for different purposes, thus it will be a faulty expectations from any user for pressing iron to wash clothes. In the same vein friend, just because, you're sharing certain factors with another fellow, doesn't make you to be one & the same in purpose, it maybe an educational factor, religion factor, ethnic factor, job or business factor yet this doesn't automatically translated into you running the same race in life, neither were you made for the same purpose, just like the laundry machine & the pressing iron share the same factor on clothes but with different functions on it. 
Dear friend, just because your course mate is thriving with the same certificate you both owned as an employee, doesn't mean that you'll, because your own race might be to start up a company, grow it and employ others. 
As it is not expected of a good sprinter to be running and looking sideways for others running with him, which might be a distraction or energy loophole for him or her, so it is expected of each one of us to focus and run our own race with all diligent. In this race of life friend, there's need to keep your eyes straight ahead and ignore all side show distractions, you should mind your own business, instead of dabble into other's affairs, come on friend, stop looking left and right to see what's happening in other people's life, that'll be a loophole to your energy, which you should have concentrate on mastering your own purpose & run in your own track. 
Ladies & gentlemen, the reason for your sex, tribe, nationality, color of your skin, size of your body, if you're handsome or beautiful,or other wise ugly, if you're fully able or peradventure disabled, all these are working for your good, they're for your advantage, all these features are meant to serve one purpose, which is to enable you run your race of life successfully, only if you'll see them as an advantage to your purpose in life. 
There are paralytic Olympic medalist who wouldn't have come to spot light, if not for that reason, there are so many super star around today either as a musician, actor or actress, sport personnel & others, who are basking in the glory of the so called disadvantages, without which, they might not have command any worthwhile attention. I know of some actors, who are of small stature, and that has being their advantage to fame & wealth. It was with amazement, I was watching on TV, the interview of an uneducated but beautiful bread seller, who is now a super model, courtesy of her prettiness, which is the advantage the creator had configured her with to run her race of life successfully. So, what are your own natural endowments? Are you counting them as nothing or ignoring them? Come on friend, those are part of your advantages to run a successful life race. 
Ladies & Gentlemen, that someone else is succeeding in his or her own calling than you're doing, shouldn't warrant you abandon your own track, which is your reason for being & jump into another person's track, even in sport world, such act is been penalized, likewise, in the race of life, nature will surely penalize such act with frustration & failure, because you're out of your track, your place of calling, your purpose for being. Such act is like a fish jumped out of waters to come and live on the land surface, dear friend, what do you expect of such fish? Your answer is as good as mine, such fish will surely seize to exist, because it's out of it's place and such would be the experience of whoever jump out of his or her place of calling for any reason, be it monetary or any other reasons shall justify your actions, you don't have to jump into all businesses just because it is what's trending, because you'll never experience fulfilment in any place outside of your life's track. 
Dear friend, there's no profession that couldn't produce a millionaire, neither is there any business, career or profession that automatically makes you a millionaire at a glance, it all depends on your level of knowledge and understanding of your industry. Hello friend, beside the elementary principles and basic knowledge that made up your industry, what else do you know? Or should I put it this way, when was the last time you acquired relevant knowledge that could give you an edge in your chosen career, business or job? Are you sure, you're of latest version in your industry, when last were you updated? 
Ladies & gentlemen, give a thought to these things, for they are the catalyst to enable you run your race speedily and enjoyable. 
Just like every athletes acquired the service of a good coach, to saddle them with latest information and skills to make them better, so do you need latest and accurate information about your place of callings, your chosen career, finance, business and relationship, if you intend to run your race of life smoothly and successfully. 
Dear friend, your race of life is unique & personal to you, so therefore, there's no need to compare yourself with any other person, rather, get more exercise by work more on yourself, get improved, get informed, get updated and become a better version of yourself, so as to run your race of life successfully. 
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