PRIORITY VS POSTERIORITY... gaining mastery over time for more productivities!

 learn never to do a lower value task, when you have a higher value task before you ~ BRIAN TRACY. 

Time is of the essence in our everyday day life, in actual fact it is the composition of our entire life. 
Time is indispensable for accomplishments of any sort. The tickings of time wait for no one thus make it irretrievable either you invest it or wasted it, you can't get it back. 

Time is also perishable, you can't save it. It is limited in nature, twenty four hours to be precise, you can't extend it. 
Time is evenly allotted to both the failures & the successful. 
It all depends on the activities that filled up each person's day, how aligned they're with your major goals, that made them tagged as a failure or a success.

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Due to limited feature of time, brought about the importance of this discussion ; Priority VS  Posteriority which is all about time management.
In the real sense of things, you can't actually manage time but yourself, getting the best out of your every day life since you can't get enough of time to do everything you intended doing but you can surely make time out to do things that are of importance to you.  Reason why you must manage time well.
 And mind you, time management is actually life management ; meaning the self discipline to use your life on what's of essence to you. 

While there are various methodologies as taught by experts on time management but in summary, it all buttressed to setting what is of importance and putting aside what is of less value for later. And that's what Priority VS  Posteriority all about.

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Priorities are things that are of more importance than other things, therefore needs to be dealt with first. e.g your health should come up first on your scale of preference before career success. 
Priorities are the things you care more about and give preference to, before others. Things  that are of firstclass to you.
Before priorities are set, you must have the end at mind.

The most important questions to now ask is,  what do I really want to achieve? 
What are my goals? 
Answering this question well and appropriate will give to you naturally those things that should be your priorities.
For instance; a student with limited financial resources but desired good grades out of the college, will certainly set his or her text books as priority above clothes.

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On the other hand, Posteriority simply means, state of being later. Something of less consequences if postponed.
Posteriorities are of less values to your desired goals. You can actually do without them. They have no effect on your major goal. 
For instance, a medicine student could take parties and campus shows  as  posteriority unlike the one studying music or Art, with the aim of building career  in entertainment, partying and shows could be of priority to such student.

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Ladies and gentlemen, in other to achieve your expected ends & goals, your time on daily basis should be filled with activities that is getting you closer to your major goal of life. 
Never should you spend your time on things of less values while your major purpose or task is there unattended to.
Let this be your mindset, if you intend to achieve career or business success, promotion at job and every other feats.

Dear friends, never be deceived, whatever you spend your most time on, is what of most important to you, to think otherwise is self deception. Be it TV or Books, Social media or educational website, you can't claim your career advancement is most important to you but spend money or time on every other things but things that could advance your career.
Mind you, the consequences of your choices can't be deny because the law of cause & effect will be there to judge.

Hey friend, choose to use your time wisely,
Make hays while the sun shines your priority because there'll always be clouds after the sunshine 🌞 when you can catch up with Posteriorities. 

#TheSolventTalk... talking answers! 

                 JOEL KAYODE  

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